Today we've had the Handbook session and we've learnt the basic rules of the MBA. It's been really interesting. I can't tell you all about it, because it would be too long and because among other things we've signed a confidentiality and non disclosure agreeement.

There are though some things I think I can discuss here without getting into trouble.
Collaborative. People here insist in that this is a very collaborative program, and it really seems it is. Everything that could arise rivalry is avoided. We do need to be competitive, but not agressive. It's all about building teams and relationships.
Assessments. Submission of written assessments is very strict and you have to stick to the rules. You never put your name in your papers, just a number. The examiners doesn't know who they're grading. There are severe penalties for delays in the hand ins: 3 out of 100 points just for being one second late and then 1 more point for every hour. They are also very strict about plagiarism and about word count.
Marking. Marking is quite similar to the Spanish system and I like it. Grades go from 0 to 100 and the average grade is between 60 and 65. Grades about 70 are rare and above 80 exceptional. At the end all the grades are averaged wheighing the number of credits of every subjetc and you just fail, pass or if you are in the top 10% are included in the Director's List.
There are though some things I think I can discuss here without getting into trouble.
Collaborative. People here insist in that this is a very collaborative program, and it really seems it is. Everything that could arise rivalry is avoided. We do need to be competitive, but not agressive. It's all about building teams and relationships.
Assessments. Submission of written assessments is very strict and you have to stick to the rules. You never put your name in your papers, just a number. The examiners doesn't know who they're grading. There are severe penalties for delays in the hand ins: 3 out of 100 points just for being one second late and then 1 more point for every hour. They are also very strict about plagiarism and about word count.
Marking. Marking is quite similar to the Spanish system and I like it. Grades go from 0 to 100 and the average grade is between 60 and 65. Grades about 70 are rare and above 80 exceptional. At the end all the grades are averaged wheighing the number of credits of every subjetc and you just fail, pass or if you are in the top 10% are included in the Director's List.
Yesterday we also had the Library session and it is really amazing the amount of resources we have access to. From now on I can borrow whatever book is published in the UK for my whole life. Doesn't it sounds nice? There are also lots of online resources and databases, with huge amounts of articles and papers published all around the world in all kind of newspapers, magazines and books.
I'm going home now. Tomorrow we have our first careers session and the Spanish Fiesta to celebrate the end of the first week. We also have a seminar Saturday morning and the Gala Dinner in the University Arms Hotel in the evening. Some guys are also organising a football match Sunday morning in Fitzwilliam college sport grounds. I'll try to join them.
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