Saturday, 1 December 2007

Kids Party and Winter Party

The term is almost over and celebrations begin. But it doesn't mean we don't have to work, because in fact we are very busy with our CVP and different individual and group assignments.

But the Kids Party was very nice. I think there were around 15 kids from my classmates and the Cambridge Business School Club organized some activities for them like cookies decoration, face painting, coloring, and we even had a Santa to give them presents.

Diego had fun playing with other kids and also with my classmates and staff from the school. It also served as a presentation for Leonardo, who by the way, most of the people say he looks like me!

We also took got a new family picture taken.

And after the Kids Party was the Winter Party at Judge sponsored by Cisco Systems. We had food and live music and also Secret Santa presents. I got two books for Diego and Leonardo and gave a book with pictures of England to a japanese classmate.

We also went to the pub and some people stay out till 4 am, with is really late for Cambridge. I went home at midnight because I can't sleep till late in the morning as my single friends do. But I had fun.

I'll talk about Cisco presentation another day. It seems to be an interesting company and they are doing really amazing things.

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