Sunday, 11 May 2008


I'm back from the MBAT. It's been an amazing weekend meeting lots of people, playing sports and enjoying the good weather, Paris and the french food.

On top of that I won 2 gold medals in cross country and 1.500 meters and I contributed to the bronze medal as a team in the cross country race.

I think we also did quite well in football reaching quarter finals where we were eliminated by IESE, one of the favourites.

Cambridge is a small school compared to LBS, INSEAD and the like and I think we did quite well overall. I'm pretty sure we beat everyone in coolness, partying and networking ;-).

For me it was a quite busy weekend. I played three football matches on Friday, so Saturday morning I had very stiff legs. But the cross country race went well and I managed to come first covering the very hilly 7 km in 25:40. Inmediatly after I played the football quarterfinals, that we lost, and a couple of hours later I run and won the 1.500 meters in a very modest time of 4:44, almost one minute slower than my personal best but good enough to secure the win.

The support from the class was simply fantastic and they really made me forget about all my aches and pains during the final race. It really feels good being number one at something, even if it's not Accounting ;-).

I'm not in my best shape but I'm happy I'm running again and that my back and my foot are not complaining too much. I hope this can help me to come back and give another try to the marathon in autumm.


Anonymous said...

Un saludo desde sevilla para la familia.
Soy Oliver y me alegro mucho de todo lo que te está pasando.
Mucho ánimo para todos.

changho said...

2 gold medals winner. It's great. Congrat!!

Anonymous said...

hola paco!soy sandra, tu prima de barcelona. me dio la dirección del blog tu padre estos dias que hemos estado en sanlúcar de visita, lástima que no coincidiésemos, me faltais vosotros por conoceros, aunque ya me han puesto muy al dia! casi no me ha dado tiempo de leerlo detenidamente, me he reincorporado hoy al trabajo y tengo la mesa llena de papeles, pero prometo leerlo, es muy interesante. sólo decirte que me alegro mucho por todo lo que estás viviendo y felicitarte, no es fácil llegar hasta donde tú lo has hecho. un beso para todos!